East Hampton High School
Counseling Support Services
The School Psychologist and School Social Worker at East Hampton High School provide individual counseling, crisis support, and referrals to community resources for the entire student body. With the support of the community and high school faculty and staff, we are dedicated to creating a safe place where all East Hampton High School students regardless of race, sexual orientation, and religion can come together to enhance their behavioral, social, and emotional development to become active and responsible members of our society.

& Resources
More than a Chemical Imbalance
October 2015
Why depression cannot be cured by medication alone.
Mental Health Myths and Facts
October 2015
Do children experience mental health problems? Are all people with mental health problems violent? Myths and Facts about mental health are discussed.
A Parent's Guide to Surviving the Teen Years
October 2015
A guide to understandnig your teenager and how to cope with the difficulties that come with adolescence.
Counseling is available to all students to assist them in managing the normal developmental issues that arise during adolescence. Counseling can help students enhance self-understanding and learn effective problem solving and coping skills so that they will be better equipped to handle the variety of concerns that arise for high school students.
Individual Counseling Services

Group Counseling is available to students who have been identified as having similar concerns that are negatively impacting academic progress.
Group Counseling Services

Referrals to Outside Agencies
Students and families can recieve information regarding community resources in the area to help with mental health issues that do not immediately impact academic progress.

Call Us:
Wilks: x1060
Sweeney: x1047
15 North Maple Street
East Hampton, CT 06424